Dream Journal: 2013-10-24.01

She wore my face and laughed my smile. After a rough night I was prepared to accept that I was split again and was walking beside myself. But with the accessories she was pleasantly adorned in, she wore [his] hat. And that stopped me in my tracks.

”All these you may wear save for the hat. Never the hat. For the hat calls me. And once I arrive, I never leave empty handed.”, he had once told me.

I pointed at the hat and challenged her identity. “You know me!” I shook my head and prepared to call weapons. “Aww, don’t be like that. You really don’t know me?”

“You’re wearing his hat with my face. Explain yourself.”

She laughed gaily and slid her broken sunglasses down her nose. When both eyes were uncovered, her entire appearance changed.

“How about now?” His deep bass tickled my lungs as his laughter nipped the heels of his question.

I laughed with him and rolled my eyes in exasperation. He pushed the broken sunglasses back up becoming my double once again.

“Trick or treat? How about both! Like my costume, Girl?” She swung her hips suggestively. “When are you going to start wearing dresses and skirts? That’s some fine ammo you’re packing. Weaponize that ass!”

I muttered something about cost as an excuse. She replied I knew how to deal with that. “And don’t forget something red for You Know Who!” I sighed in surrender.

We came to a stop at the entrance to a cemetery. She took my arm in hers. “Speaking of shopping… I have something to show you.” We entered the cemetery and she (heh) showed me indeed.



