Dream Journal: 2013-11-26.01

There was the table. There I was on the table. There I was on the table with my chest cavity pulled open. The clinging tar was being removed. Scrapers made from [this stone] and [that stone] were used to remove the toxic carcinogen from overstressed flesh.

My heart was uncovered and a familiar sound announced Weaver’s instincts had reasserted themselves despite Keri’s blindness.

Overhead the sun symbols turned slowly in the granite ceiling. The light they emanated was almost terrestrial sunlight. The spectrum was a little to bright, and held shades of blue that the terrestrial Sun lacked. The light warmed my exposed flesh in the cool of the room.

I don’t know what is being done to me, only that it is for my benefit and it was necessary. The [two stones] are now being arranged for some type of working. I can’t see. I’m unable to move, unable to look at anything except the rotating sun symbols throwing shafts of sunlight that sweep over me. They remind me of the beams of a lighthouse in dangerous fog.

Light leads the way.

The dream ends and I wake up.


Driving to the post office, I note it’s a nice day. 80% chance of rain, my ass. The delivery daemons (read: UPS) have texted me informing me of a successful delivery to my post office box. The morning was stressed but I actually won the food fight this time, so I’m feeling okay.

It’s a very nice day.

I barely remember the dream. [They] were helping me remember how to breathe, but the work wasn’t done. They had completed their part of the working but it wasn’t done. They were waiting for something to happen. Something they could not control but only hint and goad into action.

That was dream. This is waking. And I now have a set of poly dice to practice various types of divination with. These tools I can leave out in plain sight. I’m happy.

It’s a nice day.

Lemme stop at the park. No rush to get back to work. No errands to skip around with. Just stop to soak in the sun.

The warm sun.

The piercing rays of the terrestrial Sun that warms my skin and reaches through to my bones.

I look up and watch the sun rotate. Bright light surrounds me, caging me and holding me upright. It all happens in a flash. In the blink of an eye. In the pause between breaths.

I feel something in my chest activate. The Sun’s warmth emanates from my chest, heating the marrow of my bones.

I catch my breath at the sensation and the incident ends. I am returned to the full waking world.

Those little shits.

I’m not angry. Much. They saw an opportunity and took it. I’ll headlock one of them later and try to find out the details of what they were working for. Risky business there, combining two worlds like that. Sounds like something I would do.

I’ll be pissed later. Right now I have a good day to enjoy, and a desire to be in sunlight as much as possible today. Time to put my tethering allowance to good use.



