Me: “That’s a Lenormand spread.”
[Redacted]: “No, that’s where you first saw this arrangement outside of your head.”
Me: “Oh yea. I was using the Baraja with that several months before.”
X: “So what’s the problem?”
Me: “The Not Rule forbidding using tarot cards in Lenormand spreads and vice versa.”
X: “I think you blew that rule to hell when [a certain pair of fucktards were dealt with]. Who came up with that rule anyway?”
Me: “They.”
X: “And what has been proven about They over and over again?”
Me: “They are full of shit.”
X: “So what’s the problem?”
Me: “Too much data generated by that spread, even though it is compact and only uses 9 cards. I don’t need a dissertation on the query. Just a round-the-office poll. I have 5 decks to throw this with, you know. Was just going to throw my default 3 and go from there.”
X: “If any of those throws start with the 7 of Discs, that deck is not to be involved. But if [that card] shows up at all, you use that deck with the 9 card throw.”
Me: “Are you sandbagging me?”
X: “Just doing my job as [a bitch does].”