Dream Journal: 2014-04-26.01

I had an opportunity to step on the Path of Cheth. The mists cleared and I was on the precipice of the Abyss. The path itself appeared like a thread of silk attached to the cliff below my feet and leading out directly forward until the impermeable clouds of the Abyss obscured it.

I stood there for a long time, knowing that I would have to walk that strand.

I turned away.

The martial playmates from before were absent. But I knew the three commanders were watching from a vantage point beyond what my eyes could see, on the very edges of unsight.

I did not have fear. They saw to that. I was not afraid of confronting the Abyss. Not afraid of failing. Not afraid of succeeding. Not afraid to try.

I just had an understanding deep within me.

I may be ready, but it is not time.

When it is, I will have no problems getting back to that starting point.

As I turned away, I resolved to bring that fearlessness back with me and apply it to several Waking issues. I have yet to even place a toe over the Abyss, and already it has changed me. I want to be that confident all the time. If I can be so here, then I can be so there. And I will.


