Dream Journal: 2014-06-01.01

Did not expect a long sit down with the Embroidered Man about Kabbalah, paradigms, tarot decks, customizing the tools and the paradigms to fit my personal circumstances, and why my (unmade) decision on where to hang the Emperor and which Hebrew letter to associate with it is the pivot about which my worlds will turn. (And the need to make that binding decision soon.)

There was further discussion about what was cut off of me at Dionysus’ request for sacrifice, why I willingly complied, and the ramifications of that decision on my skill as a tarot reader.

He touched briefly on Mathers, Waite, the Golden Dawn of their era, and of mine, and how certain public “discussions” don’t mean a damn thing to me so why am I allowing it to color my progress in my own eyes.

The discussion ended when tea was served. Would have been rude to continue.

ETA: Placed quotation marks around the word ‘discussions’, because that is the polite way to say ‘mud-slinging, name-dragging, slandering, overemotional, bullying, money blinded, attack of the ‘nads, unnecessary bullshit that serves as the public rhetoric now’. And make no mistake, the Embroidered Man said it in a very bitter and disapproving manner.

Interestingly, the diagram of the Tree of Life was on the floor when we discussed certain paths. When I asked if it would be better hung on the wall instead, he replied that until the frame is completed, meaning my decision on the Emperor card, it doesn’t have the integrity required to remain intact when hung.

The Path of Vau and the Path of Cheth was already colored in. But several wires were missing and I knew them to be the disputed paths considered for the Emperor and the letter Tzaddi.

Great. More homework.


