Dream Journal: 2014-10-23.01

Me: “This is very structured for it to be an afternoon stroll. Is this an initiation?”

[A]: “… Yes.”

Me: “Aren’t you supposed to lie to me about that?”

A: “No. You have to enter it with open eyes and an open mind or you won’t get what you need out of it. This time. You are not dazzled by song and dance.”

Me: “Okay. I’m in.”

A: “Ha. Cute. As if. Tell me. Seeing the symbols you see, what do you know?”

Me: “You are the Sun. [B] is the Moon.”

A: “What time is it?”

Me: “In the Waking? About 3:30[pm]. Why?”

A: ~smirk~

Me: “… Oh. Oh shit. The eclipse? The eclipse! It’s peaking now! But… I’ve never been affected by astrological events!”

B: “You also haven’t been doing your homework. Fortunately, [that skill] is not required immediately.” ~hands me a uniform~ “Put this on and follow me.”

Me: ~dons uniform~ “This is more than just [a thing]. Everything changes after this.”

B: ~raised eyebrow of disapproval~

Me: ~gulp~ “Sir, everything is going to change after this? Sir?”

B: “It will and it won’t. What you get out of this is dependent on what you put in.” ~details other skills that will be required of me~ “Now is the time to answer, [Weaver-Keri], do you wish to continue?”

Me: “…”

A & B: “…”

In the sky, the Moon partially overlaps the Sun. The Moon is brilliant silver. The Sun is brilliant gold. Where they overlap is black.

Me: “Lord [B], Lord [A], I wish to continue.”

B: “Follow me.”

I followed. What happened after can not be written.


