I walked silently beside the Traveler. Words would have been a terrible marring waste. It was enough that the beautiful scenery was being seen by someone else. There is great comfort in being in peace.
The breeze shifted with a cold jerk, calling our attention into sharp focus. I knew some information had just been disseminated, but I did not understand its meaning.
The Traveler apparently did, as he sighed softly and sadly. His time of peace had come to an end. He knelt down, picked up a pinch of road dirt from between us, and carelessly sifted it into the air on his far side with deliberation, away from me.
The breeze shifted again, becoming the soft warmth that it started out with. I understood what he had just done and nodded in acceptance. I would not mind him walking a little further along the road with me.
I took my cane and drew a line in the dirt behind us. He nodded. I then took my foot and rubbed out that same line. He smiled conspiratorially.
Hidden in plain sight, the Traveler and I resumed our stroll down the path. Rich purple fields vibrated from the songs of bees while the clouds gossipped about the winds overhead.