Dream Journal: 2015-08-29.01

Dreamt a person successfully compelled me to do a thing for them. The thing is something I usually need to be told not to do, so it was surprising that the person went all out to formally bind me into doing the thing.

All was fun and games until I answered the summons and found exactly what they wanted from me. Just like there’s a certain level of help we’ll give a stranger, and a different level of help we’ll give a friend, so did this person demand from me an effort normally reserved for intimate relations because of the personal cost of doing the thing at that intensity.

Evil Genie Mode: Activated.

The binding to do the thing itself was successful. How I do the thing and express its outcome was still entirely left up to me. I frustrated the person coming and going as they technically got the answers they wanted but not in a form that was useful to them without significant work by them.

One by one, I made them spend their tokens with redundant questions that changed only by one word. I took advantage of the irregularities of English and regional connotations to say phrases that superficially meant one thing but when taken in equally hidden context meant something else entirely. I gave the person exactly what they wanted, but not how they wanted.

It was a delicious game of cat and mouse, but then they played their game ending card and called upon me using an oath I had uttered years and years ago.

I had forgotten about that oath, to be honest. I did not know how this person had gotten wind of that contract. I don’t remember writing it for public view, and even in private conversation, I never did spell it completely out. Potentially lethal, the oath was something I had willfully buried even as I abided by the restriction it laid upon me.

“… By [such] you have called me, by [such] you now own me, but for one command only. Choose your words carefully, for I will comply only once. Master.”

The person sat back smugly and asked directly what I had been doing my best to avoid giving them. No twists of language could obscure the response. I had to give them exactly what they wanted.

Even if it meant going insane in the process because of the unchecked forces I would be exposing myself to.

Let it flow. The thought was not mine, but only I heard it. Do not try to dam the river. Let it flow. I understood and realized I was never a player in this game, only a token on the board.

“Yes, Master.”

I did the necessary preparations (they were quick) and told them that once the process started, I would have no control over myself until the process ended. I asked them if they took responsibility for what was about to happen and the potential for harm to myself and to them. They agreed.

I closed my eyes and [opened the gates of the river].

I knew the work had been completed when I felt the patchwork of bruises over my body. Noting where they were, I realized these were offensive wounds. Someone had been trying to defend themselves against me, and judging by the lack of severe trauma on my person, didn’t do a very good job of it.

I opened my eyes to find myself lying on the ground, alone. The ground where the summoning person had stood was wet and sticky. The ground itself was wounded with deep gouges and areas where something thin and sharp had carved chunks of mud from it. My hands were free of mud, so I wondered what could have done this.

I then noticed my mouth was fouled with dirt. It reminded me of the time I first tried to make tea with loose tea and forgot to use a strainer when pouring.

“Am I free of that god damned oath?” I hoped so, I really hoped so. Nothing answered me, though I took a moment to determine if there was nothing to answer me, or if No Thing answered in silence. When dealing with supernatural powers, the nothingness of a space can contain so much.

“Fine. I’m going to get some coffee. I’d rather not be used to make any more definitive statements today, thank you very fucking much. Or if you do, at least lemme get some liquor. For medicinal purposes, of course.”

I rolled over and dropped into nothingness, leaving the dream.



