Dream Journal: 2015-10-07.01

“You’re armed.”

“I hide my strength from my enemies, and show my friends what will defend them.”

“I gave you that shield. Will it defend you from me if needed?”

“You also taught me how to use an enemy’s fear and ego against themselves. Would you recognize when I’m just kissing up or teasing you into a trap?”

“… heh. Nice… dog.”

“Not trainable. Eats like a black hole. Acts stupid. Is very intelligent. Not for sale.”

“Everything is for sale.”

“A djinn merchant demonstrated that as he also demonstrated some prices are not worth what was bought. But enough verbal feints. The doll is destroyed, and our connection is now in question. How do we part?”

“We’ll settle that later, when neither you nor I are so distracted.”

“… Ass.”




