Dream Journal: 2015-11-04.01

“So let’s roll with the bookstore setting then. I get it. It’s the intersection of my imagination and personal symbolism and what you are trying to convey. You’re not the gate keeper, just someone making information available to those willing to pursue it. Gotcha.”

“If you say so.”

“If I say so?”

“You’re assuming I’m stepping out of character with this role.”

“… Aren’t you?”

“Look at me. Really look at me. And tell me what you see.”

“… I can’t. You keep changing according to my moods and expectations.”

“Tell you what. You have to go soon so I’m just going to remind you about a thing and you can turn over your experiences with that thing so you can understand why this role is not out of character for me.”



“… You motherfucker.”


