Dream Journal: 2016-05-04.01

Me: Ready to roll?

Inverse Moon: Fuck off.

Me: Right. Let’s go.

IM: You’re not the boss of me! I am the Lord of this domain!

Me: You’re more self delusional than me after not sleeping for a week. Shut up and get in.

IM: I can be anything that comes in a dream! Rawr! I will haunt your dreams and kill you in each one!

Me: … Let me tell you a story about an entity named “J”… [exposition occurs] And then I cut him up into little pieces and fed him to my nightmares. Now, what were you going to do to me?

IM: … I’m locking you out! If I don’t acknowledge you, I never have to yield to you!

Me: … This is what you fall back on? After such a promising start. I thought you would actually hurt me.

IM: Lalalalala! I can’t hear you!

Me: Hey, Sun? Wanna shed some light on the situation?

Inverse Sun: Ready to go!

IM: You wouldn’t! We’re [brothers]!

Me: You have until physical sundown to get your ass in gear and yield voluntarily to me. Or I will step in and take you by force.

IM: -runs deeper into the shadows to hide-

Right. It’s on.


