Dream Journal: 2016-06-09.01

Last night I set out with intention to obtain a thing. Instead I found myself sitting before a ginormous monitor showing several browser windows randomly layered over each other. They were all open to a particular Tumblrite’s blog but each window was showing a different post from said blog. The theme of the selected posts were dreams and visions.

The front most window simply had an unattributed quote:

“Sleep on it. You’ll have your answer by morning. Incubato, baby.”

I frowned at the screen and bitched. “I am sleeping on it, and you’re not helping.”

The window refreshed. “What did you expect? I am a bastard, after all. ;p ”

I laughed. Yes, [this particular Tumblrite] is. A point of bragging even. But is this something wearing their face to convey a directed message or am I being distracted? The context of what I was seeking allows for both assumptions to be valid, even simultaneously.

I have not informed the star of my dream about their appearance, though there are enough clues in this post to make them, and those closely acquainted with them, smile smugly.

I shall watch the day unfold and see what happens.



