Dream Journal: 2016-06-28.01

Today at work there is going to be a Very Important Meeting, of which I attend as cat-herder, presenter, and minutes-taker. I do everything but vote on what is presented, which the homeowners should be grateful for, because I would have a custom stamp for “YOUR RULES SEZ NO”, “Special Snowflake Statue: DENIED WITH PREJUDICE”, and “The Committee has reviewed your application, has decided you’re fulla shitte, and has barred you from ever applying to fuck up the exterior of your house to spite your neighbors again.”

Last night I dreamt I was sitting at the table for the Very Important Meeting. All seemed right except I was wearing a thick necklace that was getting on my nerves but I wasn’t annoyed enough to remove it. No one else had come to the room yet.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as someone whispered for me to lean towards them. Thinking I’m about to be told something confidential, I did as instructed. The ragged hands of the Inverse Hanged Man reached over my head and dislodged the noose slowly tightening around my neck.

I turned towards him in surprise. He was examining the now freed rope, and was trying to trace where the hanging length led to. The rope fed from under the table and dreamlogic prevented us from seeing if it led to any particular (assigned) chair.

“Take it from one who has learned this the hard way: Never swing for someone else’s sins.” He dropped the noose in disgust and the rope retracted swiftly under the table. “I take it you have something important today in a room like this?” I nodded. “Speak as little as possible, and intervene only if you are bidden to by your superiors. Remember your official position here, and do not attempt to rise above it on unearned merits, no matter how many of those have been offered to you in the guise of friendship and camaraderie. You are being used.”

He looked around the neat and calm room. “This is a room I do not belong in. That I am here means a betrayal is in process. Be wary.” He patted me on the shoulder and stood up. As he walked away from the table, his form disappeared.

Today’s meeting is supposed to be just another meeting. But I am privy to some entangling developments behind the scenes and the veneers of shiny smiles. Things I’m not supposed to know about like the political maneuverings in the management layers of the homeowners’ association that could affect my job if shit really goes south. If there is going to be a power play, this would be the place to start the public actions as the two factions are going to be sitting at the same table making decisions that will affect all the homeowners.

I’ll be careful.


Meeting over. Faction B representative tried to get me to say a thing that could be weasel worded into something else. I answered with “No, Sir”, and refused to say anything more several times until Faction A representative called him out for trying to get me to fit his agenda.

“I’m just saying if things are getting easier for [Keri]…”

“That’s not what you’re asking. Your proposal will make things worse. But this meeting is not the venue for that conversation.”

Thanks Inverse Hanged Man. I would have walked right into that trap.


Boss: “Good job keeping your answers short in there. [Faction B rep] was trying to get you to say you have less work to do [because reasons]. By the way, I know it felt like [Faction A rep] was hauling you over the coals, but he was making it clear to [Faction B rep] just how much work is required for you to bring something to the meeting that they don’t even spend two hot minutes looking at.”

I fucking hate politics.


