Dream Journal: 2016-07-10.01

Dreamt I was sent to investigate two high ranking men in a Christian church in a small town. The pastor and his right hand man (presumed successor). Both were possessed. Each had something eating away at their spirits and the light of the two men were almost gone.

I could do nothing for them. I tried to raise the alarm but the possessed elder stopped me. “We made a deal. Let them take us, spare everyone else.”

“It’s a bullshit deal! They’re lying to you! Even if that deal is upheld, once you or he dies, the deal is done and it’s open season again!”

“No. We die, they go.”

“You die. They go. You become the parasite anew, and here we fucking go again. Lemme guess, you got hooked because you were promised wisdom spanning generations, right? Where the hell do you think they got it from?”

“We were… Oh dear Lord in heaven…”

We held this conversation in the church parking lot. Around us, the faithful enjoyed the day. A flash of light caught my attention from the roof. Angels. With swords and whips of flame. And they weren’t staring at me, for once.

“There is nothing I can do for you. This is out of my jurisdiction. Angels have come to deal with the situation, but they may not act as your faith proscribes.”

The leader of the troupe turned kir attention to me. I felt like I was standing naked before a blast furnace. The message was clear.

“I go. I suggest you come clean to someone you trust because these angels are not going to allow anything unclean to remain. You may not survive the cleansing.”

“Better to cast the body into hell than allow the spirit to be condemned.” He bowed his head and solemnly intoned while the possessing spirit giggled in delight.

My wince caught the attention of more angels. They were not hostile to me, but I wasn’t going to stick around to find out if they would be. The last time I heard that phrase it was followed by a command to hold me down. Dream or no, I gotta go.

I nodded in respect to the leader of the troupe, nodded to the elder who was starting to shake and cry, turned away with prejudice, and walked away.

The blast of searing heat that fell upon the elder pushed me out of the dream.


