Dream Journal: 2016-09-26.01

“I need you to trust me.”

Oh shit. Like that ever ended with anything I didn’t regret. I just grunted at him in response.

“I need a vessel and a catalyst. You’re both.”

Less grunting and more growling. I didn’t like his implication.

“It will be the worse for them if you don’t help. It will be only a minor amount and length of discomfort for you if you do. But you know what pressures are on them.”

“I won’t save them from themselves.”

“I’m not asking that.”

“What are you asking?”

“That you not be duplicated.”

That kept me from swinging at him even though I knew he could move as fast as thought. “I’ll think about it.”

I woke up with my tongue severely bitten again. I need to stop thinking about these things.



