Dream Journal: 2017-01-11.01

Dreamt I was outside a building where rituals were being held. Just passing through, and happen to be there. As I passed the outer wall, I heard the sound of [a particular musical instrument that’s not a drum] and I stop. The noise makes me feel at ease.

I crouch by the outer wall and listen. Minutes stretch into hours and I close my eyes to focus on the sound and relax.

The sound ends and I realize the rituals are over so I slowly stand to recover the use of my legs and be on my way.

I’m not fast enough and I’m caught by men leaving the building. Many of them are angry that I overheard the music and they demanded I explain myself.

“The sound of [that instrument] reminds me of [a person] and all the things [they] taught me and tried to teach me. I hear it and am reminded that the wheel turns and the river flows and [a thing continues]. I did not mean to intrude and I heard only what can be heard from outside. I know only what sound came out to meet me. If this is too much, I will make amends.”

The men wanted to be justifiably angry with me but they agreed that I did nothing wrong, either maliciously or accidentally. They asked me not to come by that way again.

All but one.

The [instrument] player came around the corner at last, having been last to cease and last to put away his things.

“Ah. There you are. I was playing for you, did you hear?”

I heard.



