Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Dream Journal: 2017-07-12.01

    “The phrase is a prayer for mercy. The speaker is asking those holding power over the place and circumstances they are in to pass over them because they are insignificant to those holding power.” The teacher wrote out the five words on the chalkboard as he spoke. After finishing, he went back and slowly spoke…

  • Iron and Ash

    It’s thundering and lightning outside. The storm rolling in is warning everyone to take cover before it strikes. The fast moving storm is actually carrying very little moisture, so flooding is not a concern this time. Getting struck by the lightning it is brandishing about, is.

  • She Stole Herself

    Her history is scarred like her reflection. She teaches that steel and makeup can both cut a man’s soul when properly applied. Her voice is viscous like blood and power. She preaches that covenants broken can sever a lineage even if the blood remains. Her grip is unyielding like a lock without a key. She…

  • I just found out.

    Yes, I know what he did. No, he neither asked nor informed me of his intent or actions. The matter is on the table in the venue the theft occurred from. We’ll see how it goes from there.

  • Feathers and Ash

    So I told myself I wasn’t going to post about this recurring dream/nightmare/experience, because it’s not like anyone would be able to understand or grok what can not be expressed in words but can only be experienced. And as if the recurring portion wasn’t bad enough, a thing happened that may end the series, but without the…

  • The Muddy Affair

    “In the name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Ghost, and by the power of those potent, inestimable, Divine and Commanding names, of the Almighty & Everliving God Jehovah, El, Elohim, Sabaoth, Adonay, Tetragrammaton, Alpha & Omega…” The words came smoothly out of my mouth. The names flowed softly over…

  • Dream Journal: 2017-06-30.01

    “Y’all said this was one of them channeler road shows, like those medium shows, ya said. Y’all said jacque shitte about this being a traveling Christian prophet.” “We did… we… just didn’t specify which religion was involved. But channelers are channelers, right? It’s all made up anyway!”

  • Dream Journal: 2017-06-22.01

    I wandered through rocky hills, past outcrops of bedrock worn smooth by wind and made brittle by wildfires. The wind suddenly collected a pile of dead brown leaves at my feet. As I watched the swirling, I realized the wind had collected more than tinder. I reached into the pile and pulled out something both…

  • Dream Journal: 2017-06-13.01

    I woke up. The old quilt was comfortably heavy upon me and held me gently in the straw stuffed bed. I could see where the pitch had become thin between the boards of the rough cottage. Dried and drying flowers hung in bunches above me. A bee was trying to coax the last memory of…

  • Dream Journal: 2017-06-07.01

    The news report said to avoid downtown, so why is everyone headed that way? I changed channel on the radio trying to find something other than the same news feed repeated on every interrupted station. I had someplace to be, and the only way to get there was straight through downtown so whatever was in…

Got any book recommendations?