Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Your browser can read the blog but your RSS reader can’t? Tell me!

    Some RSS readers are being blocked by my blog’s security measures. Most of them are merely guilty of using Google’s AppEngine service. As such, they are sharing IPs with prolific spammers and scrapers that have used AppEngine to start shit with. I’m trying to determine if the troubles that will come with lifting the IP…

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-21.06

    “Why are you on the cliff edge, anyway?” “I need the change in perspective. And the distance.” “Oh. So you’re running again.”

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-21.05

    “You’ve let yourself go. It concerns me.” AND ANOTHER THING… (even though the speaker is probably smeared across a few bushes by now) Where the hell were [rhetorical] you when I was being broken? Where the hell were you when I had to defend myself against my own broken pieces? Where the hell were you…

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-21.04

    star-weaver said: ::offers hot cocoa and nods:: Keeper of Lives isn’t a title I know of, much less future lives. Or life unlocking. Gate keeping, yes. But. That’s a bit too literal to fit here. ::figures self wrong in the angle of speculation:: I am not picking on you. (much) But, I know how Certain…

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-21.03

    “You are not ashamed of your appearance?” “Should I be?” “You appear less and less human each time.” “I’m sitting on the edge of an unscalable cliff that hangs over a mile above the sea, in a hostile environment, surrounded by dangerous things, and you’re taking offense that I don’t look pretty?” “You’ve let yourself…

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-21.02

    The solitude of the forest is a false one. I live alone, but am not alone. There are eyes everywhere watching me. Some watching to flee from my approach. Some watching for my first show of weakness. My dark furs contrast sharply against the smooth white snow. I’ve learned to walk quietly, and the careless…

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-21.01

    A monstrous man came to the house. But I was the only one that saw he was not human. Large curved ram horns framed his elongated ram-like face. Ram eyes watched carefully for signs of danger while a two-toned voice explained his quandary. Thieves ransacked his truck, and destroyed some things. But the fools left…

  • Dream Journal: 2013-04-20.01

    “I want you to remember what you said about Black And White thinking.” “That the absolutes I grew up with were wrong and there are no Pure Evils and no Pure Goods?” “Yes. That too.” “Which aspect did you have in mind?” Snake kissed me on the forehead and gripped my body tightly in a…

  • ginandjack: “Keri”

    My The Beloved Satyr, ginandjack, sent me this message privately. I obtained his permission to share it, because… well… those with eyes to see, will see…

  • Nice Boots

    As I get over my awe, he returns with armfuls of leather, bindings, and other material. “What has happened to this leather?” He inspects my shoes before gently removing them. “Weaver, you travel to harsh conditions, yes? Don’t answer, the boots tell me everything. Who made these? Horrid things. The weight balance is all wrong!…

Got any book recommendations?