Search results for: “feed”

  • Feeding the Bones

    Still unpacking, though it is more emotional baggage than physical stuff. Still haven’t done any “high working”. I don’t have the spirit in me. (Pun very fucking intended.) It took four months before I realized I could leave more than just my tarot decks and occult(ish) books on my table. It’s been a long while…

  • Q: Full Feed or Post Excerpt

    So, you folks have been reading my blatherings long enough to see that my norm is at least 2,500 words. Anything less is some pithy snark or a blatant plea for interaction. (Like this one.) Now that I’ve been picked up by an anthology (Practical Pagans, check them out), I’m harassing even more people than…

  • RSS Feeds, A Rant

    If my posts aren’t looking right in your RSS reader, or if they are limited to first paragraph only (or other such nonsense), do drop me a line and let me know so I can fix it.

  • A Deeply Planted Seed: Chapter 7 – Excavations

    Melissa sat precariously on a plastic chair sized for bodies far smaller than hers and her back filed a constant complaint about the stresses annoying her. But when one is invited to a child’s tea party, one takes the pain so the child can take the joy. Across from the fruit themed plastic tablecloth, a…

  • A Deeply Planted Seed: Chapter 5 – Legacy

    Halfway through the morning, Melissa’s scheduling app announced with a bright chirp that she had been called in to work. Her paid internship with Leifert Enterprises was only part time but it came with full benefits and provided enough income to allow her to save part of her trust fund allowance. With a check-in time…

  • A Little Weeding

    It’s been a long while since I was in the waters of the Gardenmaster. It took me a while after my waking world move to reconnect with many of the dream world denizens who had kept faith that I would be able to escape the circumstances that kept threatening to drown me. But here I…

  • Sounding The Current: Chapter 10 – Tug O’War

    Shortly before noon, Lisa woke up again. She laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, not believing in its dull and unchanging surface. She stretched and rolled over, waiting for a judge to appear from out of nowhere to be standing or sitting in the best place to surprise her. After several minutes, she…

  • Sounding The Current: Chapter 6 – Sunny Day

    Lisa woke up again at the time of day that she would usually have summoned a fuck about working the restaurant job. Though, if she still it, she would have been late. She looked at the clock, reflected on what her actions would normally be at this time and laughed. Any time before this morning,…

  • It’s My Car But I’m Its Driver

    I used to be a High Snob™ about gems, crystals, stones, and goods made from them. A man-made opal was for the pretties but if you wanted True Opal Power™, then it had to be a nature-made opal that was likely mined using questionable labor practices at best. It was all about honoring the natural…

  • Dream Journal: 2019-05-12.01

    “Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?” The question pulled my attention to the attendant placing themselves in my field of view. I should be concerned that the attendant wore a white featureless mask over their face. I should be more concerned when I realized that wasn’t a mask at all, but that…