Tag: antler guy

  • Iron and Ash

    It’s thundering and lightning outside. The storm rolling in is warning everyone to take cover before it strikes. The fast moving storm is actually carrying very little moisture, so flooding is not a concern this time. Getting struck by the lightning it is brandishing about, is.

  • Dream Journal: 2016-04-25.01

    “I’m supposed to be meditating.” I knew damn well meditation for the day was over. He had pulled me out of my head and I couldn’t even feel my physical body anymore. “You’re supposed to be paying attention.” Snark is good. Snark means I haven’t fucked up, too much.

  • Dream Journal: 2016-01-18.01

    I turned the small dark brown vial between my fingers. I don’t remember when it was slipped into my hand, only that a fleeing shadow lost itself into the surrounding crowd before I could register that I had been touched, much less that I had gained a thing. Another reason I hate public markets. Someone…

  • Dream Journal: 2016-01-09.01

    He said the name I knew him by was true and false. He said the current I stepped in was but one of many and all of them are valid for the one swimming in it but only the current one was drenched in. He said if I dared to go deeper, what I know as…

  • Dream Journal: 2015-10-18.01

    The Shamblings understood. Only they didn’t call it “ingwaz” or “sacrifice” or any of those high-crowned words that would spawn a thousand tweets of faux philosophy and/or ad hominem insults.

  • Dream Journal: 2015-10-14.01

    Summary of my experiences these past couple of weeks: Shit’s different.

  • Dream Journal: 2015-10-13.01

    Was gonna post a little bit of my first encounter with the “Antler-Crowned, Green Masked Figure” in several years, but as I was scrolling through my broken dash (Fuck Recommended Posts on the mobile app. This shit is broken, Tumblr!), I came across a post that said too much of what I don’t want to talk about…

  • Dream Journal: 2015-10-08.02

    “Sacrifice.” That’s the “missing” Ingwaz rune to me. Not senseless sacrifice, though. It’s the sacrifice of the seed to the ground for the harvest later. It’s the sacrifice of the first born of the herd to assure the rest of the lambing season is prosperous. It is the sacrifice of something you have now, so…

  • Dream: Breaking The Bindrune

    Laid down for an afternoon nap. The past couple nights have not been kind to me, and I needed a quick recharge. I laid down in my bed, alone in the house. The sound suddenly shifts around me, the air becomes cooler, and I get the sense I am not alone. I reach out and…