Tag: death

  • Dream Journal: 2017-03-22.01

    I found myself standing before at a small dinner table with only a setting for one placed despite the two chairs. I had been hoping for an audience with Great Aunt Mabel™, so I took the chair opposite the diner. Perhaps I will serve her tonight or help assist as a great-grandniece would be expected…

  • A Hero’s Rest

    After a long (unspecified period of time) battling gods, horrific monsters, and fanatical humans bent on destroying the world, I and the (surviving) defenders are being bussed home. We pass the fields that are the outer skirts of our civilized territory and I watch the laborers absentmindedly. 2,386 words.

  • Desert Blood & Cold Sweats

    My first awareness is the sharp press of cracked pebbles pushed into my face. I move my arms in vain and random movement and scratch my hands against the rough dirt. Lifting my head free of the dry ground, the pebbles wound me anew as I grimace. The facial movement nudges them free from my…

  • A Meeting Of Fellows

    … The door handle rattles. A shadow dominates just without the entrance. More rattling of the handle, with a barely gentle push on the locked door. The rattle ceases. Above the handle, the lock glows with a sudden red scribble of light. The door opens.

  • Just For You, Keri

    “So, I hear you’re looking for something audacious to do.” My eyes open gently at the words. I am sitting cross-legged on the ground. A black feathered cloak is draped over my shoulders and wrapped around me. I had been in a different headspace and was now confused by my surroundings. I saw I was…

  • To Sleep, Perchance To Dream

    So I have some imagery rattling around this skull of mine, and I’ve got to write it down and capture it before I start mumbling as I do my day job. It probably doesn’t help that I’ve been so tired lately, I’ve stopped dreaming. I know most folk don’t care if they dream or not,…

  • Same Song, Different Instruments

    For the past twenty odd years, since I left the security of high school and ventured out into the maddening world, I have dreamed the same dream at least once a month. But I never recognized the dream. Because each time I dreamt it, the setting and roles I played would change, making it appear…

  • Burning The Jersey

    I’ll talk about myself until the sun sets, rises, and sets again. But when talking of someone else, I am hesitant. Even more so when death is involved. I have wondered if I should put this post behind the password wall. Or even if I should post it publicly at all. The identity of the…

  • Dream: Ravenwoman

    I had fallen asleep with my headphones on. Intentionally. I had trouble falling asleep lately and using music as a backdrop for light meditation was very helpful in downshifting my mental gears. The plan was to focus on the music until I had gotten my wandering thoughts into a single force of will, then turning…

  • Dream: To See

    My dear companion, open your eyes. Come see, come see, we are near our destination. Yes, I have stopped the camels. Yes, it is before the dawn. Yes, the air is cold. But now is the time to see. Here, wear my robe. I feel no chill. Here, wear my sandals. I would walk on…