Tag: vanity

  • A Drop of Opal

    As some of you may know, I have a… rocky… relationship with my mother. Things have deteriorated to the point where I have to assume anything that comes from her hand has a hidden trap ready to spring and draw blood. It was during one of our more vicious interactions I was made painfully aware…

  • Nothing To See Here, Nothing Exposed

    I had a nice, long, multiple paged monster of a post typed out here. Really explored my magic style and how different influences have changed it over the years. Nuked the whole thing, intentionally.

  • Ready for Ignition

    Those of you following my tweets are probably wondering why I haven’t just put three dollars on the counter at Walgreens and picked up some tobacco already. If I was breaking in a briar or corncob pipe, I would have done so, and probably would be on the second container. But after not smoking a…

  • Idling: Vain Worry

    I sometimes wonder if my mishmash of magick styles is self-defeating. I bounce between base elemental, theurgy, thaumaturgy, ceremonial, chaos, planetary, and my own bastard spice. I’ve assumed godheads, and yet am the thrall of a god. Quite the contradiction, it appears. Yet it works for me. I suppose, in the end, that’s what matters.…