What happened to Alexandra Nerien?

All the NaNoWriMo updates have been taken off the blog. (If you want to read the version that was posted, drop me a line.) Currently in the process of editing, rewriting, banishing, and despairing over the text. Those of you brave enough to follow along as I wrote it can tell the others I had plot holes large enough to fly the Macross through. The P40 grit rough draft has been cleaned up enough to get a proof copy submitted. My daughter is thrilled she will get to hold her mother’s book. (Yes, she knows this is not the final copy.)

Over the next several months, I’ll be giving the book the attention and seriousness it was due from the beginning. Whole scenes will be deep sixed, while other scenes will be expanded. I have to really work on the dialogue. Plot outlines, character notes, and key locations will pile up on my desk. I’m sure I’ll have five pages of notes for every page of finished book.

I have no misconception about making money from this. I’m quite sure I won’t. I’m not writing this for any target market. I look at this as an extension of my dreams. I have a story in my head. A story that demands to be written and shared. If I try to resist it, it will dominate my thoughts until I have captured its soul in sentences and paragraphs. And once written, I’ll release it into the wild, just as I have done with the writeups of the dreams.

Let he who chooses to read it, make of it as he will.


