Why Keri Should Stop Chatting Online

That Person: I don’t see what the problem is.

Me: The problem is most of the images chosen to represent pagans in general, are of Caucasian peoples.

TP: So, you’re pouting you don’t feel represented.

Me: Not so much pouting, but making the statement that mainstream Neo-Paganism is primarily a Caucasian affair. Anything not European based, gets shunted off to the “Exotic Other”.

TP: Well, if it makes you feel better, those images don’t represent me, either.

Me: Oh?

TP: They always have young, size zero, small waist, and big boob nymphettes.

Me: White, young, size zero, small waist, big boob nymphettes.

TP: Well, that’s not accurately portraying me! I’m larger than average!

Me: And I suppose the ubiquitous pentacle is supposed to represent all pagan paths as well.

TP: Of course!

Me: You do realize, not all pagan paths use the pentacle as a path symbol.

TP: But it represents all pagans!

Me: You also realize, not all pagans (or all Wiccans, from what I’ve encountered) follow the Wiccan Rede.

TP: They should.

Me: And not all pagans can pass the paper bag test.

TP: What’s the paper bag test?

Me: Take a brown paper bag from the grocery store. Compare skin color. If you are darker than the paper bag, your argument is invalid. Me, such as.

TP: Why do you always have to bring race into it? Gods. You make it sound like you’ve been spit on because you’re darker than me.

Me: I have.

TP: Oh. ~awkward silence~ Well, about the imagery. It’s supposed to be universal.

Me: It’s Euro-centric.

TP: Well, that’s because Gardner…

Me: Stop. Right there. I can’t believe it took me this long to realize I’m talking to a brick wall.

TP: You know, if you really wanted to have a solid pagan path, you could always follow your ancestor’s path.

Me: And that is?

TP: Didn’t you say you’re a descendant of slaves in your blog? That means you should be in the African Diasporic Religions. Since you want to bring race into it, after all. African Americans should follow African religions, and Caucasians follow Caucasian religions.

Me: ~speechless~ Wow. Forgive my brick wall comment, I was too ambitious it seems. ~closes chat~



