Audacious Day Is Coming

Audacious Day is a personal holiday of mine. Last year was the inaugural occurrence. I had been stuck in a rut and needed to break out. But all doors, mundane and spiritual, were closed off to me. If I wanted to move forward, I would have to break some of them down and burst into offices I had no place being.

In keeping with the theme, I felt I had to do something mundane the day of the rite in keeping with the audacious working I had planned. I’m a near shut-in and quite the non-girly woman, so I forced myself to shave my legs, wear heels, and a stunning blue dress that really shows off my… assets. And makeup. And perfume.

I almost cried in fear. But, I made it through that day. I didn’t hide my body or defer attention, but took the audacious step of walking forward with all the Womanhood I carry and dared anyone to try and put me in my “place” for it.

I made it through the day with only one blister from the heels as my wounds. I think I did alright.

The effects of the working were immediate, cumulative, and long lasting. While I didn’t get what I wanted, I got what I needed. It changed my life in a way I could not foresee, and changed it for the positive.

So, the anniversary is coming up. August 3rd is Audacious Day. For every rash act, there is a reckoning. In keeping with last year’s pattern, 90 days after Audacious Day is the Night of Reckoning. I had to make amends to those forces whose gates I barged through earlier. The Night of Reckoning is November 1st. I did not time it intentionally last year to fall on that day. It completely slipped my mind when I was being all rash and impertinent. That night went well for me as well. I owned up to what I had done and paid the fine laid down for it. It was a humbling night, that also benefitted me in surprising ways.

I intend to observe Audacious Day, and its counterpart the Night of Reckoning, this year. If you want to observe it with me, on August 3rd, wear something you usually don’t wear, do something positive for yourself, and challenge a door/entity that is outside your norm. (Asking that entity if they want to help you challenge yourself beforehand is prolly a good idea.) Make a public statement of your audaciousness. You don’t have to detail what you did. Simply saying “I kicked a door open and went in like a boss!” would suffice.

If the positive act is an act of charity to others, that too will suffice. The idea is to take care of yourself and not put others first. If caring for others helps you to care for yourself, then do it!

90 days later, is the Night of Reckoning. If you participated in Audacious Day, then you now have to make amends to the entity whose office you raided. That entity will have let you know by then what the “fine” is and how to pay it. It may be a slap on the wrist. It may be an ordeal. But it is something you must face for your audacious act earlier. Nothing has to be made public unless the entity that holds the “debt” wants it public. It is very much a personal affair.

That’s it in a nutshell.





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