Category: A Different Way

  • Help In Any Form

    I’m still sorting through the stuff I brought with me during the move. Work and commute during the week left me very tired after work and the weekends never had enough hours to take care of everything, so I still have four banker boxes of old paperwork to sort through. It’s not helping that the…

  • Do Magick September ’17: The Patience of a Beginner

    As requested, a masterpost of the entries leading up to, including, and following the DoMagick: Beginner’s Mind challenge in a proper “Start to Finish” order:

  • A Last Look at 2017

    I started 2017 physically struggling but spiritually sound, and I am ending 2017 physically sound but spiritually struggling. As of this post, it has been all of seven days since my daughter [Dter] and I moved out of the family home into our own apartment. If it were not for the influence of, instigation by,…

  • Standing in the Forest

    So. Dter and I have moved into our apartment, rescued all of our stuff, and are recovering from the physical and mental shenanigans required to do so in the three frantic days that followed last week’s declaration of independence from my family. tl;dr = We’re okay.

  • Transitions

    I don’t know about a lot of things right now. I’m still in the liminal boundary between desert and forest. I do have a “life update” that is a direct result of the DoMagick: Beginner’s Mind workings I did in September. Of the two items in this update, one is already completed and the other is…

  • Slaying Dragons

    As I prayed through the nine days of Saint Mary MacKillop’s novena, I knew I was going to find my apostate ass sitting willfully in church. I could find no justification for doing so other than “It’s time”. If my path was going to go where the clues were implying it would lead, if I…

  • Courage, Trust, and Openness

    The way my angelus aspect stood behind my seated form mirrored the way the black armored angel stood behind [the Bow-Wielder]. I held the wood beaded rosary I had restrung. She held a shiny black beaded rosary similar to the one I had sent away. “Years ago, you said I was a terrible Christian, and…

  • Daring the Devil

    I didn’t promise I would. I said I’d look into it. Saint Mary MacKillop’s themes are “Courage, Trust, and Openness”. And you know what… I think confronting a fear would be a damn good way to express, demonstrate, and internalize those themes. It you do not have a Catholic friend, attending Mass is still one of…

  • Spirit Journal: 2017-05-29.01

    It has been about two months since I last saw anything from the hillside spirit I zoom past to and from work. I had mentioned to others that it felt like a door was gradually closing starting last fall when the harvesting of the fields around the hill was at its peak.

  • Spirit Journal: 2017-05-06.01

    A Catholic friend and I often have conversations about her faith and my lack. Neither one seeks or even wants to convert the other, but the space between us is an accepting one and she knows she can air out her doubts without condemnation for or against from me. Our most common reply to each other…