Dream Journal: 2012-10-19.02

My dreamscape is changing. I know what precipitated it. I don’t know why now. The worlds I’ve blogged about are still there, the City, the lair, the Nine Worlds, and the Necropolis. This is not a replacement, it is a revealing.

It’s also damn near impossible for me to describe in words, but my (lack of) drawing skills prevents me from sharing.

I know the worlds of the Dreaming are infinite, changing, and remaking themselves in the constancy that is change. So I should not be surprised. But when I first entered the new (to me) area and looked up at the floating mountains, I could only stand in awe.

I once compared the Dreaming to a great skyscraper, with the Waking world being but one floor within the expansive structure. As I looked about me, I realized my pass was granted access to a whole other floor.

It remains to be seen if that access was deliberately given, or if security is coming around the corner any moment.




