Dream Journal: 2013-10-18.01

Anon: “One of these days you’re going to get your ass kicked for calling a person in power such names.”

Me: “One of these days? My dear, I’ve paid for the privilege several lifetimes in advance already. I do not speak false when I describe them.”

Anon: “But such epithets. They are not comely.”

Me: “But they are true.”

Anon: “They are insulting.”

Me: “But they are true.”

Anon: “Others find offense because you speak such against their idols.”

Me: “They take offense because I will not ignore the truth. How they speak is on their conscious. How I speak is on mine.”

Anon: “And your ass.”

Me: “Yup.”

Anon: “And still you speak roughly against them.”

Me: “Yup.”

Anon: “Why?”

Me: “… Good question. Because it’s fun. Because better sharp truth than smothering pretense. Because I’m not above criticism. Because they let me. Because some make a game of it. Because some won’t hear their reflection any other way.”

Anon: “Won’t hear their reflection? What do you mean?”

Me: “Walk in Love and Light long enough, you forget how to walk in Blood and Shadows. Forget how to walk in Blood and Shadows, forget the faces you saw there. Forget those faces, forget their names. Forget those names, and you denigrate your gods every time you call them.”

Anon: “How the hell did you arrive to that?”

Me: “Next time you speak to your gods, call them by the horrible names of their horrible truth. See what happens. In the mean time, I’ll be with the twinks, the douches, and the incorrigible bastards. Playing poker.”

Anon: “The hell kind of answer is that?”

Me: “The kind that dares you to show me better. Take thou the challenge?”




