Dream Journal: 2014-07-27.01

Omens and portents

That would be last night’s dream of me assembling various tools and devotional items for other people. Occasionally the god(s) or guiding spirit(s) of the person whose tool I was working on would stop by to adjust my work as needed. Once the tool was done, it would be packed up by other helpers and sent on its way to the end user.

But every now and then, an end user would figure out I was making something for them, and sneak into the workshop to take the incomplete tool right out of my hands. Some tools fell apart at once. Some appeared to be complete but when used would critically fail. The impatient end users yelled at me for the failures and refused to accept responsibility for their actions.

When an incomplete rosary was ripped from my hands by one such impatient end user, the guardian angel that was supposed to be assigned to that rosary stood between me and the end user. “You are showing a tragic lack of grace.”, the angel proclaimed to the man. The man was pouting that the rosary was ruined and said that it wouldn’t have been good enough when finished anyway because the beads were plastic and not precious stones. “Faith does not require a perfect tool. Faith only requires faith.”, intoned the angel with severity. The man mumbled a dismissive “whatever” and went off demanding a new rosary be given to him at once, one reflecting his True Faith and Perfect Love as is his station in his church.

The angel turned around and tended to the cuts on my hand where the sharp findings had ripped them when the unfinished rosary was jerked away. Unprompted, the angel spoke to me.

“The right tools are what you have in your hands right now. Even if your hands are empty, if you have faith, it is enough. Don’t be like that guy. Don’t place your faith in things that can tarnish or be broken. Have faith. This is all that is required.”

~sips coffee ominously~



