Dream Journal: 2015-07-28.01

A trio of mages are tired of everyone’s shit and decide they are going to take over the world. Instead of using money and/or spirits, they manage to get control of some beehives and create a mind control venom.

Get stung by a bee? Become one of their drones.

I already know this plan is going to fail spectacularly, but I don’t know how yet, so I fiddle around as the world leaders start to mysteriously sound the same and proposing nearly identical changes to their country’s cultures.

One afternoon, I went to the park to watch some fútbol put on by the local leagues. Only to watch some rank ass bullshit by the city clerk who was upset the official city soccer team was getting their asses whupped by a bunch of indigenous girls that didn’t even have a matching pair of socks. He kept using excuse after excuse to end the game and have the girls kicked off the field.

Finally, the clerk said that I had a prior reservation for the field and that the game would have to end anyway. The girls knew I was there to watch and tried to call him out, but he claimed municipal privilege and refused to say anything further.

I claimed the field to everyone’s surprise. Once I confirmed with the clerk that I now had the last word on who gets to be there, I conceded control of the field to the girl’s team mom/coach. The clerk was so angry at being undone by his own machinations, he stomped off the field and started kicking a tree in frustration.

Disturbing the beehive within it.

The bees went after the clerk with gusto. They ignored the players completely. One bee came straight for me. I started backing up with my hands held up.

“I’m not in this. I don’t want to be in this. This is y’all pocket universe and I’m just a spectator. If you try to make me be a part of this, I can guarantee you it will be your downfall because of the fuck-it-up effect I bring.”

The bee hovered before my face for a moment, then turned and returned to its hive. But something about that bee was off, even for the circumstances I was in. It wasn’t controlled by the mage trio, but it was certainly connected to something greater than its hive.

A falling leaf caught my attention. It was too soon in the year for the changing of the seasons. I looked up at the trees and realized just in the time we had been bickering for control of the field, the trees had substantially changed color.

As if the seasons were accelerating.

The mage trio were classically trained. Who would they use as divine right to take over the bees?

More leaves fell.

Oh shit. She’s pissed.

I decided this would be a good time to nope the fuck out of the dream before I walked into Persephone’s fury face first again.



