Dream Journal: 2016-12-03.01

Doing some light reading and coming across multiple references to St. Cyprian again. While I expect to find references with that book and that author, it has been a crescendo of unexpected references this past month to the point where I am about ready to defenestrate the next person, place, or thing, that makes another reference. “That shit is all fine and good”, I mutter, “but I’m fucking apostate. Doesn’t that disqualify me?”

The room darkens.

I look up from my reading and see a familiar black skinned angel with blackened armor and black metallic wings alighting in front of me. He is the same angel that appeared when I made the Rosary of the Lost Crucifix, and the same who appeared in a dream where I gave up my shenanigans rosary to a grieving resident to comfort her.

“The promises will be kept. But you must have faith.”

I blink in surprise and the room is back to (what the hell ever is this) normal.

I don’t know how to process this except at face value. I don’t know shit.

Shortly after bitching complaining writing about that elsewhere, the train I was on came to a regularly scheduled stop. I happened to look out the window and what do I see?

Elevator doors are surrounded by a metal facade bare of any adornment except for two large upright white wings.

Wings. Wings flanking the entrance to an elevator. I’m sure you readers can find much more symbolism screaming at me in the image, but it was the wings that snatched my attention. (Such as the real door on the right being closed and locked with a reinforced security latch, but the faux door on the left is painted to be forever open to those who can go through it.)

But it doesn’t end there. I arrive at the train’s destination and start to walk the rest of the way to my end goal on foot. As I go, a commuter train bell starts ringing for much longer than the required duration. I look over to see two train employees standing on the platform, waving at the conductor who has stopped ringing the bell. As the train continues on, the rest of the cars pull forward into my sight.

A multicolor train car with a large slogan on the side. "MIRACLES ARE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK."


I am not at a loss for words. It’s just that all the words I want to use, are not polite.

I don’t even know where to begin with this. I only know I should.



