Dream Journal: A Correction

I lie. And this time, I lied at the wrong time and with the wrong words. Y’all know I fudge some things because I don’t have leave to make certain things public. I have a mea culpa to admit to, and a correction to post.

In the first May 27th dream post, I posted a conversation between I and Rummer John after some exposition on the finding of la Baraja Española. In that conversation he dropped some non-English words, as he likes to do, but when I wrote up the public record, I used their English equivalent.

It’s been bugging me all day.

And after looking up the words, and consulting a wise woman or two, I realize I was in the wrong to translate the words. There is a message in that sentence, but that message was not for me, and that’s why it seemed redundant and out of place.

What was posted:

Him: “You walk many nations, and are a citizen of none. Hell, you’re not even mine! But I happen to like sitting at the President’s table. Yes, I like it indeed.”

What he actually said (corrections emphasized):

Him: “You walk many nachons, and are a sitaden of none. Hell, you’re not even mine! But I happen to like sitting at the President’s table. Yes, I like it indeed.”

The original post has been updated. I shall leave it as an exercise to the reader to ascertain why he used those words and what they may mean to the reader.




