Dropped Notes

You have to be your own person. It’s perfectly fine to use what you perceive of someone else’s personality as a template to compare your own strengths and weaknesses against, but you have to be you, not what you wished that other person was.

Things change, but nothing changes. But still there are changes.

Own what you say.

Own what you do.

Own your expectations.

It’s not a tug-of-war between orthopraxy and orthodoxy. It’s a question of how you walk out your faith and if that path is taking you where you want to go.

Yes, you are the Chosen One, but only in the context of your life. You are at best a minor supporting character in everyone else’s.

Your beliefs mean jacque shitte when I’m dealing with my gods. It is comforting to know mine are equally dismissed when you are dealing with yours. You are not the measure of my faith, and I am not yours.




