
“It’s said that you know of runes.” The voice was filled with bluster and daring.
“It’s said I know of many things, some I do, and some I don’t.”, was my reply.
“I bring to you a challenge, runesciber. Would you dare to take it?”
“And what challenge do you dare call me by that name for?”
“Twenty four runes be the Elder Futhark. Twenty four marks did Odin scribe on you.
How much has been forgotten since? I give you a word, you tell me the runes.”
“A challenge I accept then. What be the word to call the runes for?”

Fehu’s lines, upright and branched, do hold in them the wealth of wholeness.
Uruz stomps, paws, and snorts. It will demonstrate health in its charge.
Thurisaz holds back the assailing wights. With a strong swing, its foes defeated.
Ansuz speaks softly, with quiet words of wisdom, how to keep the health hard won.
Raidho leads a good journey, a healthy companion a boon blessing.
Kenaz warms the hearth and heart, allowing laughter to ring in the hall.
Gebo shares food and warmth, spreading health to kin and friend.
Wunjo blooms in health’s rising, poured out in offering over all.

Hagalaz stops the fever’s advance, and sets the line for recovery’s start.
Naudhiz brings the soul’s respite. A moment to regain footing, to secure yourself.
Isa freezes the upstart’s raging. Halts the invaders far from your defenses.
Jera teaches the different faces of health. From summer’s harvest to winter’s stores.
Eihwaz holds the elder’s spines and the hall’s poles upright. From them hang the kin’s health.
Perthro pours from wells of wisdom. Do well to sip the bittersweet water.
Elhaz sets the homestead’s boundaries, that woesome wights cannot pass.
Sowilo opens the flowers, sets the bees about, and brightens the face of the weary.

Tiwaz stands guard at the gate, holding justice so that the children are free.
Berkana holds gently the sore and infirm. Binding bones and kissing away the pains.
Ehwaz lets the soul free to run, to face the binding worries and trample them underfoot.
Mannaz brings kin & tribe together, to lessen the pain, to increase the joy, in the sharing of each other.
Laguz runs the rivers clear, with cool water to soothe a parched throat.
Ingwaz ripens the crops for harvest. The slaughtered pig for feasting.
Dagaz forces man to live a day at a time, saving the night for rest.
Othala holds up the hall with sturdy ground, the Disir smiles at the feasting within, the pouring of her share.

I looked up to see if my challenger approved, but she had gone. So, I submit it for your approval. Did I read them well?

(This post inspired by, and written for, Sunday Scribblings #298: “Health”.)






3 responses to “Health”

  1. […] Dec212011 Written by […]

  2. Christi B Avatar
    Christi B

    Thank you! I have been learning the Runes & making some bindrunes for myself & close friends. I have also been practicing Calligraphy and plan to copy this on vellum. Can I ask how you would like it referenced?

    1. Keri Avatar

      No reference or attribution necessary. (If you must, attribute it to Odin, or as I know him, “The Wandering One”.)