It Gnaws At Me

I’m bothered. I can’t tell the difference between the past and the future. The direction the imagery in my dreams and journeys has taken is quite severe. But I can handle that. What’s unsettling is I’m seeing something like that connected with a person I know. And the implications are dire.

But I can’t tell if I’m merely projecting my internal issues onto this person, or if I’m being given the gift of a warning? If it is a warning, am I merely given time to prepare for the inevitable, or do I have a chance at changing the event before it happens?

When I try to focus on the images, the past bleeds into the future which shatters around the present. I don’t know where I am, or even if I am.

I am only left with the soul gnawing dread.

I have been trying to speak of this for the past week, but fear comes along and pulls at me. It silences my voice and leaves my hands weak and trembling. I’ve whispered this, to no one.

I want this to be only a symptom of my madness. But I can’t shake that perhaps, possibly, it’s more than that.

I write, because in the laying of words in the structure of sentences, I capture my fears in manageable cages. I strip away the blind emotion that twists like moebius strips and expose the kernels of panic for the screaming nothings that they are. But this eludes me. Even the allusions are leaky, allowing the smokey fear to slip away from the fetters that you are reading. So that all that is captured, is the tender hand-wringing of a crying child.

I’ve been mad before. Flesh-rending, banshee-screaming, stark, raving mad. This isn’t it. This guts deeper.

It feels like a head-on collision of two unstoppable forces. The force within Keri, and the forces without Keri. But Keri isn’t the one standing on the target. Keri can only watch.

“It’s coming.” I know. But must I know that it is? “It’s coming, and you will have a part in it after.” I can’t. I don’t know what to do. I’m not ready for this. This hollow ache in my bones. “Did you think things would stay this way forever?” No. On an intellectual level, I know it doesn’t. But knowing it is close is more painful than knowing it will come one day. “You would rather be surprised? Gutted and wrenched like the others?” I don’t know. I thought I did. I can argue for one way or the other. “Or are you jealous that it doesn’t come for you.”

~deep breath~ Yea. I am.






5 responses to “It Gnaws At Me”

  1. theshaeman Avatar

    Wow. My thoughts are with you. Difficult position, indeed. Wow….yeah….definitely have you in my thoughts….caring about people is messy, bloody business.

    Oh…PS….I hope it’s okay with you, but my site links to yours…I sincerely want people to explore your stuff here. And in no way am I implying any care for reciprocation….just honestly wanted to give you a nod and say, “hey….I really enjoy your writing and want others to as well.”

    So there…

    …now back to my drawing board….

  2. […] Gnaws At Me Aug032011 Written by […]

  3. Lynn Avatar

    It is always difficult for me to interfere in lives of people, even those very very close to me. Even when I KNOW it is important and I should do it.

    I hope you can figure it out better than I would be able to.

  4. Moi Avatar

    It’s coming, you will have a part in it afterward, and you wish it would come for you. How wonderful that you will be a part of something so great. Will it ever come for you? If yes, how will being part of it this time prepare you for when it comes for you?

  5. Moonsmith Avatar

    Patience. Such changes come to us all. Yours will come. When you have learned enough, perhaps. When you have taught enough, perhaps.

    Perhaps a better question may be, what am I to learn from this event…and this person’s process?