One Down, Five To Go

I’m confused something fierce. You see, my magic (life?) path had changed recently. I won’t be going ceremonial for some time. There are other things that have to be attended to first. The ecstatic path pulls me more and more away from plays at, and bastardizations of, western grimoric magic into the liminal states of dream work and trance journeying. (Yes, they could be the same, but the only thing I’m advanced at is bullshiting.)

So why, after being “told” very clearly the methods and tools I have been used before are to be set aside, am I being given another piece of a ceremonial personal seal?

I was given an odd code of numbers back in March. When a dream, A Turn Of Events, pulled together enough twists and turns to bring me into a receptive state. A few months later, I had deciphered the code and realized they were keys to adding more information to the personal ceremonial seal I had been working on. My smartass self proclaimed them the Six Solar Secrets.

When I received confirmation that the ceremonial path was not mine, not for a while anyway, I put away all my notes concerning the seal, my Kaaba, and associated work.

And now, today. Once again, what was supposed to be simple napping becomes an impromptu pathwalking. And along that journey, I wound up in a field. There were plants that looked like grasses, but certainly weren’t grasses, growing vigorously around me. There was no sun in the sky, but sunlight was all around me. But when I looked up, I saw a great globe of swirling light, that I somehow knew, was the physical universe.

If I wanted to risk being called blasphemous again, I’d say I stepped into a version of the Thoth Star card. Only Nuit was no where to be seen. (As is fitting, don’t you think?)

The universe orbited very close to the world I was walking. It filled a third of the sky. In it, I could see galaxies, clusters, and rogue stars whizzing around. And I was completely at peace about the sight.

I thought the light was coming from everywhere, glowing from every surface. But as I looked, I realized it was individual motes of light, drifting like fine pollen. I gathered some in my hand. As transparent as children’s wishes, and as substantial as an old man’s sighs, the fine dust glowed with cool light. Sunlight made tangible.

But how could this be sunlight? There is no sun. As I looked around, I saw no other body in the sky other than the globe of the physical universe. And yet, the sunlight was everywhere.

A realization came to me. One that I am able to explain, yet feel bound not to. At once, I understood it to be the first of the Six Solar Secrets. I know the word that is to be placed in the seal, and where it is to be placed, and once I do, the seal is not to be publicly revealed. Only the framework can be shared.

I can, however, share the riddle of the First Solar Secret. Because just as I am compelled not to explain the riddle, I am compelled to share it.

The Sun is Eternal.

Seeing how I’m quite the nosy rosie, not even able to claim the title of Student, I’m sure the more advanced magi among my readers already know what that means. If you have no idea, don’t worry about it. After all, I did say “It would be the height of arrogance and hubris to assume that whatever MY Six Solar Secrets wind up being, they will have anything of importance for YOU.”, a couple of times already. I’m sure I did. Probably when idling about and blathering again.

So, now, I’m left quite confused. Somehow, this does apply to the direction my magic path has taken. And yet, it also belongs to a book buried in a forgotten drawer. Such a contradiction. And my soul is warmed by it.

Make of that, what you may.


2 responses to “One Down, Five To Go”

  1. […] Down, Five To Go Jul192011 Written by […]

  2. Hugger Avatar

    Careful. Being comfortable with contradictions is lonely. :)