Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-28.01

    It felt like as soon as my head hit the pillow in the Waking, I wake up face down in the lair in the Dreaming. Lying on the pallet that serves as my bed. I smell blood. Lifting my head I note my back is burdened by wings. The wings are mine, but the shape…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-27.01

    The dream went lucid at once. As did my work. I bid Horatio to attend to me as I walked the house. He was no longer going to be a pretty trinket hanging off my waist. He was going to work for me, or be sent to the Boneyard. As I’m telling him what I…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-26.01

    What little dreams I had last night were dominated by household stress. I’m done playing by the rules. The shit is critical, and I am not joking. Last night I put the house Regulars on notice. Any that have been feeding off the malaise my mother is so damn good at generating have had their…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-25.01

    Sorry folks, no nighttime dream adventures to regale you with. It’s all muddy. No, really. I was covered in mud, stuck fast in a mud hole, and surrounded by mud as far as I could see. Which wasn’t far because mud is hard to look through, you know. I heard sounds bounce off trees, but…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-24.01

    Bits and pieces from last night:

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-23.01

    “What’s this? You’re planning something in my honor?” I had just closed my eyes for five hot seconds. I should be completely alone. And yet, I’m not surprised to hear the Rummer’s deep voice. He does love to ambush me after all.

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-22.01

    Two folks had read the dream where a serious discussion devolves into 12 year old giggling over “critical shit”. They were joking about it themselves, asking each other, “Is the shit critical, yet?”. A third person approached them and was asked the punchline question. He became angry and yelled at the first two. They explained…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-21.01

    Me and one of the House Regulars “sat up” half the night talking about how the body perceives temperature as one goes through the various stages of sleep. There was one point where one of us meant to say “critical sheet” (as in “critical sheet temperature”), and it came out as “critical shit”. After that…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-20.02

    Anon worried: ““They took notice I shed a tear (or five) for kir, but said nothing.” Uh. You didn’t happen to notice what happened to those tears did you? Leaving behind any part of yourself with the Fae can be dangerous.”

  • Dream Journal: 2012-08-20.01

    Remember lots of things from last night’s dream. None of it clearly, though.

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