Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-22.01

    I was back in a former job. Oh Dream, did you have to hit the nostalgia button? At my complaint, I was transferred out of my (former) job to some place deep in a forest. Trailblazing, it was my job to be translator between the Land and the humans that were hellbent on laying a…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-21.03

    Oh. Almost forgot. I had gone to visit the Necropolis Caretaker (N.C.), because I had some new gear that I wanted to show him, and I just wanted to visit him. Now, the Necropolis is surrounded by something like the river Styx, so I knew I had to be protected against that Styx-like environment. Thought…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-21.02

    “Hi. Need help with anything?” The clerk was chipper and cheery. Just the kind to annoy me. But, whatever. She’s doing her job, no need for me to make it hard on her. “Yea, I’m looking at these odd sized mesh pieces. Are they cut-offs?” “Yea, you’re one of the few that recognize that. Sometimes…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-21.01

    So I’ve been trying to figure out why the Big Yellow Tarantula from “Child’s Play” was so familiar. I’ve never seen it before, and I’ve never seen a yellow spider in the Waking, and yet it just felt so familiar. So I go back to what I wrote to see if there was any details…

  • A Dream of Two Bindings

    In “A Dream of Two Bindings”, Keri details how beautiful the ugly can be, and how ugly the beautiful can be, and how bindings aren’t always as bad as one thinks. 3,394 words

  • Child’s Play

    From cute and cuddly, to flying cars, to children’s dolls. Keri describes in 7,706 words what passes for “Child’s Play” in her dreams.

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-16.01

    The pond was cool enough for me to appreciate it, but not so cold that I started to shiver. The Gardenmaster held me in its tentacle-like roots firmly. I never noticed until this dream, the sky is a muffled shade of yellow here.

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-13.01

    I’m being interviewed? What a strange dream this is. Okay. The usual questions by a light blue skinned, pale blonde, young girl appearing, really she’s three times my age and more, “reporter”. Favorite foods. (It depends.) Favorite stories. (All blackmail so can’t tell ya.) Any crushes? (Unrequited, each and every one.) She’s getting frustrated because…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-12.01

    I’m going to answer the obvious question first. Yes, it’s tagged “dream”, but I was wide awake, aware, and in the middle of… something. Excuse me, I have a smug smirk still attached to my face, gimme a moment to hide it again. Okay. So, I found myself with a split awareness again. Just three…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-07-10.01

    She opened the door after I knocked, surprised and not surprised to see me in the dream. She asked if I was taking her on an adventure. I laughed and admitted I was trying to duck one. “You should stop by more often.”

Got any book recommendations?