Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 5 – Get Out What You Put In

    I drew the sigil over my morning coffee to mark off the day as complete, then reminded myself from any further intentional recall, drawing, or envisioning of the sigil. As a result, I had a Tuesday much like any other Tuesday before the challenge started. It promptly went to shit.

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 4 – Don’t Worry, Be Happy

    So about that reminder not to over fire the sigil… It was either surround myself with “good cheer” at work or snap at the wrong person at the wrong time. This week is an important one at my workplace, with all sorts of showing off, displays of human kindness, and that sickening carnival atmosphere that…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 3 – Too Much Of A Good Thing

    I slept. By God, I slept. When I finally woke, it was out of desperation and panic. I was strangely afraid that I was out of coffee and felt a sudden urge to get out of bed to go make some. The light was a bit off in the room, but I expected that as I…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 2 – If You Needed A Sign…

    Ah, Saturday! No alarm clocks to get in the way. No need to leave by a certain hour. Just me, my bed, and the dream of sleeping in while a two foot tall glowing sigil floats in front of my face. I was lucid, and knew I was dreaming. The room was perfectly presented in…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 1 – Fire In The Hole

    I had personally committed to participating in the June 2018 Do Magick when it was first announced, and made a wee public commitment late last month. And then went radio silent about it immediately after. I am already entangled in some shenanigans that will limit the scope of what I can do for the challenge.…

  • Dream Journal: 2018-05-27.01

    I have had many “normal” (read: nonsense) dreams since the Black Armored Angel jumped off the mountain with me. At first I discounted them as mere noise and entertainment because there was no continuity between them, no tells of entities sandboxing me. Until I took notes and compared them all. Writers of fanfics are familiar…

  • I’m Not Saying I’m Up To Something…

    But I’m totes up to something.

  • Dream Journal: 2018-05-05.01

    Dreamt of a spirit starting, maintaining, and finishing shit. A number of clergy, cunningfolk, and witches all tried to capture, constrain, and bind this spirit to no avail. To each one it gave a different name that turned out not to be its name at all when it mattered. It came to me and stirred…

  • Dream Journal: Communion

    It’s dark. (It’s always dark.) The glyph covered rod in my left hand is warm from my grip as I look up into the infinite black sky. (It’s always dark.) (Saint) George said I needed a control rod, something to hold on to. Not to force my fears to submit to me and yield (which…

  • The Absence of Fear

    On April 18, JLR Kruse asked me: “Also, how do you feel now afterwards? Do you still feel afraid of the black armored angel?” And I answered what was a true answer at the time of: “To be honest, I don’t know. There is the memory of fear and the anticipation that it will occur…

Got any book recommendations?