Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths
Dream Journal: 2018-04-17.01
I am done being afraid. Hella done. Yesterday morning, I had the epiphany that as long as I avoided the fear of encountering the black armored angel, then I would continue being terrified of the black armored angel. From our first encounter, they have demonstrated patience, concern, and benevolence. It is I who have ascribed…
Dream Journal: 2018-04-15.01
In keeping with previous instructions, I had to up my meditation “game”. Now loathe to spend money on status symbols and unnecessary trinkets after the mindless indulgences of last year, last month’s “impulse” purchase of a well used mala was proving itself worthwhile as it kept my hands busy enough to allow my mind to…
The Spinning Ring
Yesterday, my mentor sat across from me in my office at work with the door closed and discussed official and personal matters. I kept my hands clasped on the desk between us and listened carefully to what was said, what wasn’t said, and what was felt.
Dream Journal: 2018-04-14.01
I knew I was somewhere underground, somewhere lost in a large cave system, but I did not know which cave system or why I was here. So I obeyed the first rule of realizing you’re lost. I sat down.
Dream Journal: 2018-04-12.01
I received the Animalis Os Fortuna deck last year as part of a kickstarter reward during a period when I had more money than sense. My original plan was to give away the deck (and its companion oracle deck) to a friend whose personal theme was animal decks, but each time I went to package…
Dream Journal: 2018-04-08.01
The more I wake, the more I remember. The more I remember, the less I want to be either awake or remembering. I don’t want to adult right now.
Dream Journal: 2018-04-07.01
I’m seated at my dining room table, waking up slowly to the warm mug of coffee in my hands. Seated across from me is Lace Baba. Behind her are the shades of Knotted Baba and Black Baba. “Cuando te despiertes, no te olvides de tomar tu medicina.” I lifted the mug. “Bebo mi café con…
The Three Babas
“Toma tu café, nieta. Tienes un largo día por delante.” The tanned hand reached out from under the lace shawl and pushed the familiar mug towards me. I took the mug mutely and nodded but did not drink. The collection of women sitting at the small table with me were comforting to be around. I…
Feeding the Bones
Still unpacking, though it is more emotional baggage than physical stuff. Still haven’t done any “high working”. I don’t have the spirit in me. (Pun very fucking intended.) It took four months before I realized I could leave more than just my tarot decks and occult(ish) books on my table. It’s been a long while…
Dream Journal: 2018-03-21.01
Was walking through a wooded part of a city park. I could see the buildings nearby and hear the traffic on the roads. A white man with dirty blond hair in a tan crumpled trench coat was walking silently beside me, though not walking with me. We just happened to be on the same path headed in…
Got any book recommendations?