Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Dream Journal: 2012-11-02.01

    Remember a few weeks back (I think it was a few weeks), someone asked how time went in the Dreaming? Well…

  • Night of Reckoning

    90 days ago, August 3rd, was Audacious Day. If you played along, on that day you kicked open a door denied you. You challenged something that you felt held you back. You gripped the usurper that stole your throne. Today is November 1st. Tonight is the Night of Reckoning. If you charged the gates on…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-11-01.02

    I look behind me to see the lair is still there. The darkness is thick, but not so enveloping that I’ve lost all connection to other places. But I know, this is only because my body is still conscious. I am in two places at once.

  • Dream Journal: 2012-11-01.01

    My appearance has changed slowly these past several months. In a way, I am the most human I have ever been. In another way, I have become grotesque, a mockery of my physical flesh. But this is what I am. Under the skin. Under the blood. Under the adornments and the inconstant hair. What was…

  • Spirit Journal: 2012-11-01.01

    Scenes from my life played out in reverse. From the present, jumping in flashes of months and years, I saw threads in my hands. From the knitting I do now, to the crossstitch, to the embroidery, to the beaded bracelets, to the kid’s loom, to the fancy braids, I have always had threads in my…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-31.03

    Ke took what was left of kir clothes and ripped a thin length from it. Binding it across the cold eye sockets, ke asked if ke was still emanating kir emotions and power. “No, in fact, you’ve all but disappeared.” Ke nods. “Part of my sentencing, it would seem. Not only am I blinded, I…

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-31.02

    “So. What do you think?” He held up the concept sketch before me. He was very proud of his work. On the 11”x17” paper was what looked like a proposal for a zombie butler costume. He pointed out various details happily. My scowl only deepened.

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-31.01

    She had a temper tantrum and threw the pieces of my identity into the river. When she was done, she reached to throw me in after.

  • The Exile’s Welcome

    I do not understand the words. You speak in syllables beyond the ken of this shattered mortal mind. I do not understand the words. But I understand the pain and anguish that shakes the timbre and foul the perfect pitch of your crying.

  • Dream Journal: 2012-10-30.01

    Last night I got too close to something and was flooded by its anguish, pain, betrayal, and regret. It took me a while to realize the emotions were not mine, but even after that, the source was so strong and close, I couldn’t block it out. It knew I was affected. I felt its sorrow…

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