Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Do Magick December ’18: Talismans Masterpost

    A list of entries for the December 2018 DoMagick Challenge: Talismans. Each entry is a summary of that day and links to the full post.

  • Do Magick December ’18: Day 30 + 1 – Task Completed

    Technically, yesterday was the 30th day of my DoMagick Challenge regarding talismans. But yesterday ended on a strange pivot that effectively removed a third of the day from public review, so I took advantage of the New Year’s Day holiday to take some deliberate actions with some deliberate observations that I could report on. I…

  • Do Magick December ’18: Day 29 – Home Work

    I tried to be lazy! I really, really did! *whining intensifies* But I was up at sunrise anyway. It’s (not at all) funny how the time-management seal has exposed many more interconnected problems and deficiencies I have regarding something so simple and buzzwordy as “time management”. Well, that’s why it’s called “Work”, right?

  • Do Magick December ’18: Day 28 – Priorities

    Yay! Saturday! First task of the day: Be lazy as hell and sleep past sunrise. So I don’t need to tell ya that I was up at sunrise, right? So much to do and only so many hours in the day to do it.

  • Do Magick December ’18: Day 27 – Making Sure Nothing Happens

    Fewer clients came in today, but those that did had stories to tell. Not all of them were concerns I could help with, but only sympathize. Some of the social chit-chat I found myself entangled in were about topics that was out of season now that winter has actually arrived in my area.

  • Do Magick December ’18: Day 26 – Disappointment

    According to my much revised schedule, I should have had at least four sigils entered into the mini-book and much more dramatic effects to report by now. Instead I have three sigils entered, and I find myself consciously bucking the most active of them. I’m still marking the effort as a success even though there…

  • Do Magick December ’18: Day 25 – Limitations

    I took some time before the work day actually began to retrieve and open the mini-book to the red time management seal. I read and spoke the latin words written in it as solemnly and softly as I could in the office. I then put the mini-book back in my wallet and began the day…

  • Do Magick December ’18: Day 24 – Time Enough?

    Of the three things that were on my To Do list this morning (not counting coffee), the first one fell flat because I realized that it is a calendar sensitive task that can only be worked and completed on a Saturday. The second took longer to do than I had anticipated. And the third will…

  • Do Magick December ’18: Day 23 – An Idle Day

    The problem with “Set & Observe” operations is that observing can be boring to do, boring to ponder, and even more boring to report. And yet, that is my report for the day as the passive sigils didn’t have anything to overtly influence. As I don’t “do” Christmas, today has been more of an extended…

  • Do Magick December ’18: Day 22 – A Proposed Complication

    After adding the shoal sigil to the mini-book, I placed it under a heavy candle holder, lit a tea light in the holder, said some words, and let the candle do as a candle does overnight. At the beginning of the month, I resolved to keep the unfolding experiment as simple and as quick as…

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