Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Dream Analysis: Book of Ur

    Slicing and dicing the afternoon’s dream: “Book of Ur“. Warning, meandering thoughts ahead.

  • Dream: Book of Ur

    I wasn’t fully sleep. But I wasn’t fully awake, either. Sitting at the bus stop, enjoying some peace and quiet before my daughter arrived from school. She had just texted me, her bus was late arriving to the school. No worries, I texted back, I would take a nap and wait for her. The winds…

  • Nothing To See Here, Nothing Exposed

    I had a nice, long, multiple paged monster of a post typed out here. Really explored my magic style and how different influences have changed it over the years. Nuked the whole thing, intentionally.

  • Dream Denizen: Saturn (planetary)

    A close friend of mine, I call him “Pharoah” here, formally introduced me to invoking the planets two years ago. I completely dismissed the idea because of my lack of magickal experience. Didn’t invoking planetary powers require all sorts of props, preparations, and solitude? I lacked all three. He corrected my errors and showed me…

  • Piping Thought

    My pipe is going out. It will require gentle obsessive nursing to keep it going. Or I can let it cool and die, only to refill and light it anew on another day. That’s pretty much where I am at in my life. The “old ways” and habits I’ve used this year are dwindling in…

  • Another Change in Plans

    What did Daddy always tell me? “Don’t trust a drink you didn’t fetch yourself.” True, but that doesn’t apply here. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” Yea, that’s it. While he was referring to fights (and yes, I do finish all fights that I start and a few that I didn’t start but got caught…

  • Ready for Ignition

    Those of you following my tweets are probably wondering why I haven’t just put three dollars on the counter at Walgreens and picked up some tobacco already. If I was breaking in a briar or corncob pipe, I would have done so, and probably would be on the second container. But after not smoking a…

  • Dream: Caught in Stone

    I could feel his hands around the stone. Could hear him intoning the words. Deep in my sleep, my dream self began to repeat the syllables as the svart-alf called me to him. No. Not this time. I will not go. Something was amiss. I had the strong feeling that I should not visit his…

  • Dream Denizen: Jupiter’s Girl

    Certain characters make repeat appearances in my dreams. As they often play key roles in my dream writeups, I’ll detail them under the heading of “Dream Denizen”. Some are mythological figures, some are representations of abstract concepts. Most are magical in one way or another. Some are easy to talk about, some are complete mysteries…

  • What happened to Alexandra Nerien?

    All the NaNoWriMo updates have been taken off the blog. (If you want to read the version that was posted, drop me a line.) Currently in the process of editing, rewriting, banishing, and despairing over the text. Those of you brave enough to follow along as I wrote it can tell the others I had…

Got any book recommendations?