Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 24 – It Was Good At The Time

    I’m going to need a weekend to recover from my weekend. I woke early despite ensuring all clocks and noise makers were deactivated. The shenanigans from the day prior were a success. “Good cheer”, indeed! But as I entered the bend into the final week of June, and with it, the final challenge, I felt…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 23 – Out Of Sight

    It is good that I keep my alarm clock out of literal arm’s reach at night. I think I would have put an unplanned ventilation port in the wall otherwise. Why. The Hell. Did I plan to get up before dawn on a Saturday? As I move the shopping and action list off the alarm clock…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 22 – A Day Like Any Other

    Friday came and went without anything spectacular happening, for good or for ill. I had a big personal project coming up the next day and my thoughts were out of sync with the calendar because of it. Morning coffee and yoga still carried the sigil’s momentum for the day. I finally accepted that the (very)…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 21 – This Little Light Of Mine

    Before the shoal sigil, coffee, and yoga, the first thing I did was greet the first decan of Cancer. It has now been six months since my daughter and I moved out of a bad situation into a then unknown situation. It’s been good, despite the ups and downs, it’s been very good.

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 20 – Responsibility

    It took awhile for me to realize another way I had been sabotaging myself and the shoal sigil. One person’s cheer is another person’s sorrow, and I had been so worried about giving the more unpleasant people at work something to be cheerful about, I neglected to give myself something to be cheerful about. The…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 19 – More Unintended Consequences

    Because I selected the ten desires that would eventually become this month’s shoal sigil from the two lists of Want and Need, I assumed the desires would be complementary. The want of “Good Cheer” would feed “Work Support”, if all went according to plan, right? And we all know how plans go once they meet…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 18 – Postcards From The Pit

    Coffee. Yoga. A hard struggle against depression again. It’s one thing to face the monster you know, it’s another to face the actions of those you thought you could trust. I wish I could say that my observations are too deeply flawed because I know I’m in a depressive pit again, but experience has taught…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 17 – The Finest of Cheeses

    Coffee. Yoga. It’s a familiar routine that is only slightly altered by including the drawing of the shoal sigil before each step.

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 16 – Aren’t You Forgetting Something?

    I’m not saying I was up to no good, I’m saying I left my comfort zone behind in bed while I spent the day doing one of the very things I said would never happen again for reasons that I still consider temporary insanity. Once again, that enlightenment can hurry the fuck up and happen…

  • Do Magick June ’18: Day 15 – The Message

    Another frantic day at work. Another day where the shoal sigil took care of itself for me. Feedback regarding support at work came to me in yet another new and novel method. The director of landscaping asked to speak with me for a few minutes. “You’ve been going on exercise walks at lunch, right? Well,…

Got any book recommendations?