Tag: Yes There Is More – No I’m Not Telling

  • Dream: So Many Mysteries

    Would you believe I have a hard time keeping a magical diary? I found I had so little to write about. Me, not having anything to write. Heh. That may change in the near future. Earlier this morning, I had the sudden vision of a yoni in the shape of a vesica. Don’t ask me…

  • Seal Framework

    I’ve been busy doing more than just playing at system administrator. I took the lessons from previous dreams and put them to paper as a rough sketch, then to a graphics program for more precise placement. More specifically, the geometry lessons I received in my dreams. I won’t bore you with minutiae, I’ll just jump…

  • On KLRO

    Y’all just please keep in mind, the title of magician barely applies to me, much less Summoner or Sorcerer. I’m learning stuff by being thrown into the midst of the vat, and finding the names and proper rituals afterward. (Okay, I MIGHT be actively reaching. Maybe. But I try to only skirt the edges.)

  • Why I Magic: Dream & (Lots of) Exposition

    I’ve been meaning to write about how I play at magic, but various mental dams and iceblocks keep tripping me up. So instead of writing the “how”, instead, I’ll write the “why”. Magic for me has always been about control. Not control of other people. Not control of the dipshits and numbnuts that seem to…

  • Dream: Geometry, Episode 2

    I’m missing a crucial component of my personal seal. The seal is based on a circle within a circle, to represent the Innermost Self and the Outer Self. The framework for the Outer Self is done. Try as I might, I cannot scribe anything to my satisfaction representing the Innermost Self. This afternoon, I take…

  • Nothing To See Here, Nothing Exposed

    I had a nice, long, multiple paged monster of a post typed out here. Really explored my magic style and how different influences have changed it over the years. Nuked the whole thing, intentionally.

  • Piping Thought

    My pipe is going out. It will require gentle obsessive nursing to keep it going. Or I can let it cool and die, only to refill and light it anew on another day. That’s pretty much where I am at in my life. The “old ways” and habits I’ve used this year are dwindling in…

  • Another Change in Plans

    What did Daddy always tell me? “Don’t trust a drink you didn’t fetch yourself.” True, but that doesn’t apply here. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” Yea, that’s it. While he was referring to fights (and yes, I do finish all fights that I start and a few that I didn’t start but got caught…

  • 30 Random Things About Me

    S’s Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 30 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 30 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. Just…

  • Dream: Best Laid Plans, Part 2 of 2

    Rigson starts verbally describing what Jack is adding to the “circle”. Inaudibly, I start laying down my own wards and protections. First I lay down a series of runes around me, mostly consisting of Ehwaz and a few others in repetition. A sudden inspiration forces me to call Elhaz as well, but not to protect…