Three Different Ways:
Dreams, Madness, and Myths
Do Magick December ’18: Day 1 – Cut & Paste
For the December 2018 DoMagick Challenge, I’m going to keep things as simple as I can. Which is neither simple nor easy because I have the tendency to overcomplicate everything. I could probably overcomplicate breathing if allowed to dwell on it for too long. There are times I’m comfortable doing things for the sake of…
A Rock and a Hard Place
The “chorus” of angels that accompany the responsibility of the overcoat are comprised of what many would call “the usual suspects”, except with one substitution. Not being versed in angelic lore, I had no way to vet the change and determine if it was within the expected bounds of this work or was a marker…
Altering Expectations
I have continued the morning routine that was set as part of a class I participated in. The routine had formed the backbone of the series of daily summons I had performed in August and continues to be a moment of stillness and preparation for the bullshit of the day. The descent into the stillness…
It’s another day that ends with “Y”
And my bullshit never ceased. I just stopped talking publicly about it.
Seven years and a few months ago, I dreamt of giving up what was a powerful and personal symbol. The bow, sometimes as elaborate and decorated as a role playing game’s prop, sometimes as simple and unremarkable as a wood and string can get, was a weapon my dream self best used against my fears.…
A Marked Panic
Once upon a summoning, the attending spirit reviewed my protections, noted their efficacy, and told me the one thing they can do to nullify all of them with little or no effort. «Remember what I told you of the amulet. To negate its protection, all I have to do is make you panic, for in…
A Rough Spot
A month ago, I bought a guitar. I plinked on it every night for practice and had started to build up a set of calluses on my fret hand’s fingertips. I didn’t mind it. They felt more like a badge of advancement than the loss of someone else’s ideals.
A Measure of Daring
I have been doing better since the end of August and the end of the thirty days of summoning [Patient Caller] for the explicit purpose of helping me deal with my shit. I have busied myself with continuing to further my recovery and taking care of things that came up when I wasn’t paying attention.…
Dream Journal: 2018-09-09.01
The black hooded person welcomed me to their Demonstration with the spreading of their black gloved hands in peace. They invited me to take a seat and gestured that I should keep my hands away from the table. I placed them in my lap and bowed in acknowledgement. On the left side (from my perspective)…
A Store of Faith
I dreamt of rosaries. To say that the scene was set in a rosary store is a belittling summary. Money was not the only currency accepted. A barely heard sigh expressed in faith could “buy” more rosaries than any ridiculous amount of cash, gold, and/or jewels. While there were rosaries for people of prestige, their…
Got any book recommendations?